Danny Hammond leads our Ministry Team

Danny HammondHi, I’m Daniel (everyone calls me Danny!) and I’m part of the leadership team at Liberty Thurcroft. On behalf of Liberty Thurcroft Church I would like to welcome you to our website.

Six years ago, I encountered Jesus and he changed my life. I joined Liberty Rotherham and have been in the Liberty family of churches ever since.

What I love about God’s people at Liberty is that we want to see people grow into all God has for them and to become the people who they were created to be. Liberty is a church that believes in the full gospel. What that means is that as well as preaching the good news of Jesus Christ, we believe that the sick can be healed and people can be delivered from demonic oppression and all kinds of ‘strongholds’ in their lives. We are people who have repented, been baptised and that desire to serve the community in any way we can, all for the glory of our King and our Saviour Jesus Christ who came to this earth to serve and to set the captives free. In essence to love God and love people!

The vision for the church is that we want to see a place where people can encounter Jesus and the Holy Spirit in all the different locations around Rotherham. We want to see people saved and in a relationship with Jesus. We want them to turn away from the sins that destroy them and turn to God who heals and transforms as he did to me (I’m still a work in progress ????) and to be a people who want to serve others and love the community around us. We want to make the name of Jesus known throughout the nations as the one true God who loves people.

I come from a large family of 9 (4 brothers and 4 sisters) and I’m blessed to have a beautiful wife Lindsey and daughter Kaitlyn. I live in Sheffield (only 18 minutes in the car from Thurcroft). I enjoy going to the gym as and when I can and enjoy walking out in God’s marvellous creation in places like Hathersage. Since Jesus saved me the countryside seems even more special, knowing that God created it for our enjoyment!


Join us at Liberty Thurcroft

Sunday Morning Services start at 11am, refreshments at 10.30am

Join us, everybody welcome!

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