Steve Uppal speaking at Liberty Church, Rotherham, May 2018Steve Uppal has been the Senior Leader at All Nations Christian Centre, Wolverhampton, UK, since 2001. He is married to Esther also a Senior Leader, and they have four children: Bethany born in 1998, Sophia born in 2000, Joel born in 2003 and Judah, born in 2005.

All Nations is a growing and vibrant Church family which reflects the diversity of the city and certainly lives up to its name.

Throughout its history the church has been committed to the full gospel and to serving the community; especially those at the margins. It was established in 1941 by two young sisters from Lancashire – Elsie & Jennie Wood who had attended the Assemblies of God Bible College in London. They were sent to Wolverhampton with 15 shillings a week for 2 months to get them started. Their main aim was to reach the slums, particularly poor children so they looked for the poorest area in Wolverhampton and found a place called Horseley Fields where they opened a Sunday school to reach the children.

In the mid-50s, after 12 years faithfully working in Horseley Fields, they felt God leading them to expand and found a church for sale on Temple Street which they were allowed to buy in instalments! All Nations continued to grow and by the 1980s an extension seating up to 400 people was built. The original building was converted, and has been used as a meeting room, soup kitchen and day centre.

Steve has been part of All Nations since 1992 when he was employed as a youth pastor. In 1997 he became an elder at the church and served on staff Cfan from 1999-2000. In 2000 he became associate pastor and after a short period became Senior Pastor in 2001.

Steve was appointed to the Evangelical Alliance Council from September 2001 to 2007, and again in 2011 completing his term in 2017.

Present Day

All Nations has grown significantly over the past few years, both in number and in its profile nationally and internationally, and the existing building can no longer house the growth.

In order to accommodate growth three English services are held on Sunday morning, followed by a Punjabi (with English translation) service in the afternoon, all in the main church building. In a rented office block across the street a Mandarin Chinese service is held; this same building houses Learning Zone and KWAM (Kids with a Mission).

Work has commenced on a thousand seat state of the art auditorium that will house both the needs of the church and act as an apostolic resource centre and conference facility, to be used by companies and organisations both locally and nationally.

All Nations’ vision now encompasses nations across the globe – ‘for all people to glorify God through knowing Christ, becoming like Christ and making Christ known’. Steve and All Nations Church have established strong links in several other countries, particularly Myanmar (Burma), and India. The All Nations base in India is currently under construction, with a vision to impact local communities, grow disciples and in turn impact the surrounding nations.

Steve is well known locally, regionally and nationally as an anointed and inspiring speaker, with the supremacy of Jesus and the Word of God as his central themes. Steve has a growing apostolic ministry amongst a number of churches which look to him as a wise ‘father’ or ‘master builder’ – a network based on relationship not an organisation. He has a passion for helping believers live life to the full; living intentionally and seeking God for themselves. Steve also sits on the leadership team of Net Wolverhampton; a city wide gathering of ministers from a variety of denominations. Unity between ministers is a high priority in Wolverhampton and is intentionally pursued. As a result, All Nations both supports and hosts, city wide celebrations and prayer events.

Steve also has a daily radio programme ‘Church Awake’ and a weekend radio programme ‘One Life’, which are aired across the UK on UCB Radio, and also features on UCB TV and TBN Europe.

His preaching and example are focussed on pressing in to the presence of God, intimacy with Him and total dependence upon the Holy Spirit are key to seeing the Kingdom advance. He has written three books;

The Burning Ones contends that a new breed of no-compromise Christian is being awakened across the land. Your heart was created to burn – to be set aflame with the radiating glory of God’s presence. For too long, too many have settled for much less than this. Now it is time to rise up and answer the call!

Rousing the Warriors is a timely and prophetic call to action, seeks to stir believers to find their place in God’s plan and engage with His purposes. It will help to equip and empower an end-time army for the battles which lie ahead.

One Life unpacks the principles of living a life of purpose. It helps us to identify and understand our calling and explains the difference between the purpose that is true for all believers and our individual, unique purpose in Christ. It reveals that, ultimately, we discover who we are and what we are meant to do when we immerse ourselves in God’s presence.

For further information visit All Nations Church website >